2023 Qeswachaka Puente Inca ( Last Inca Bridge - Cusco)

 Qeswachaka Puente Inca ( Last Inca Bridge - Cusco)

To get to Q'eswachaka from Cusco is about 4 hours (156km) approximately.

There are many agencies that make the tours but you can also go privately if you have mobility as the route is in good condition until Yanaoca.

This route passes through 4 beautiful lagoons where you can take boat rides đŸ›¶.

The first week of June every year, the entire population of the district of Quehue, in Peru, gathers for 3 days to collectively renew the rope bridge stretched between the two banks of the Apurimac River, thus fulfilling a centuries-old tradition.

Admission to the Inca Bridge costs S/. 10. Soles ($2.5)

Would you like to cross the last Inca bridge?

It is located southeast of Cusco and is located in the community of Quehue in the province of Canas region of Cusco. This bridge is renewed every year in the second week of June of each year and made by 4 communities (Quehue, Chaupibanda, Choccayhua and C'ollana), which perform a community work called Minka (collective work) in which they make 6 ropes of large size which tenzan and cross from one side to the other this rope is made with vegetable fiber from a plant called Ichu which is abundant in the area and is prepared days before to be used in the construction of the bridge. 

Then it is woven on both sides by 2 local people suspended over the ropes and over the Apurimac river the remaining part of this bridge something that is really incredible. After this intense work, on the fourth day a festival is held to thank the Apus and celebrate with Andean music and dance.

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