2023 PERU: What places can I visit for free in Cusco?

 You can travel to Cusco on a budget and visit more than 5 tourist sites for free.

The Imperial city of Cusco is one of the most recognized cities in Peru. This magical region is home to a lot of history, culture and architecture that to this day continues to surprise archaeologists and researchers.

Being a place with great tourist flow, it is usually thought that the investment is high; however, what many people do not know is that, in the capital of Tahuantinsuyo, there are tourist sites that are free access, that is to say, free of charge.


Below, we show you 8 places in Cusco in which you will not spend a single sol when visiting them.

1. Plaza de Armas:

The Plaza de Armas is the first historical site that people can know when they set foot in Cusco. From this place is where all the tours start to learn more about the "Navel of the world".

You can appreciate the ancient construction that until now remains intact, as well as walk around and take pictures in its surroundings.

FACT: In 1983 the city of Cusco was declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

2. Hatun Rumiyoc Street and the seven snakes:

Both sites are part of any paid tour in Cusco, but you can access them independently and for free.

In Hatun Rumiyoc is the famous stone of the twelve angles, an element that is part of the identity of Cusco. The place where the stone is located was once the palace of the Inca Sinchi Roca, but with the arrival of the Spaniards, they built the Archbishop's Palace on top of the stone.

Not far away is the street of the seven snakes, considered one of the most beautiful in Cusco. It is located at the height of the Plazoleta Nazarenas and Choquechaka passage. As its name suggests, you will see snakes, but not alive, but carved into the stones that are part of the walls of the street and the Nazarene Palace.

Belmond Hotel in plazoleta nazarenas in Cusco. Luxury hotel that has the senzo restaurant by starred chef virgilio martinez. His central lima restaurant was voted the fourth best restaurant in the world in 2016. 🍴 Imperial City Peru South America.

Plazoleta Nazarenas

3. San Pedro Market and other markets:

If you want to learn more about the culture of a country, markets are the perfect place. There you will not only learn about the gastronomy of the place, but also about the original products, the drinks consumed, the clothes, the accessories used, what they sell and more.

The San Pedro Market is an essential stop for both local and foreign tourists.

Other markets that stand out are San Blas and Wanchaq, each one of them shows you the magic of the imperial city.

4. San Blas neighborhood:

It is one of the most beautiful neighborhoods of Cusco. Its predominant colors are white, light blue or blue and reddish roofs, these being its distinctive and creating a unique panorama. If you travel to Cusco, take a picture at this point is something you should contemplate, because it is free.

In this area is Hilario Mendívil, a renowned artisan who has a workshop where he makes images of virgins and saints, being one of the most important of the twentieth century.

The neighborhood of San Blas the cradle of Cusquenian artisans in this neighborhood you will find art and history .⠀.

The history of San Blas dates back to the time of the Incas. During that stage, the current area was called in Quechua T'oqokachi which means salt cave . As is the case today, this place was inhabited by families who were dedicated to handicrafts.⠀

In addition, here-according to several chroniclers such as Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa and Juan Polo de Ondegardo-the remains of Pachacutec, one of the most important Incas of the Empire who ordered the construction of Machupicchu, were found. For this reason, it is believed that this area was of great importance for the Inca nobility. With the arrival of the Spanish, T'oqokachi was renamed San Blas in homage to the Christian bishop Blas de Sebaste.⠀

In its viewpoint you can have a panoramic view of the entire city of Cusco. Another peculiarity of this viewpoint are the numerous padlocks on the metal railings of the viewpoint, promises of eternal love made by Cusco couples as well as tourists who visit this viewpoint.

5. Almudena Cemetery:

It is one of those that preserves more history and art. There are the photographer Martin Chambi, the writer Clorinda Matto de Turner, the first woman lawyer of Peru, Maria Trinidad Enriquez and archaeologist Manuel Chavez Ballon, key figures in the history of Peru.

In 2011 it was declared Cultural Patrimony of the Nation.

6. Coffee Museum:

If you want to know and taste one of the most delicious coffees in the world, you must attend the exhibition that takes place in the Coffee Museum. You will learn about the cultivation, its importance and the process to transform Quillabamba coffee into granules.

7. White Christ: Cristo Blanco

This image is similar to the one in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The difference is in the size (lower height) and in the place. It is a viewpoint from which you can see the entire city of Cusco for free. If you do not want to miss this view you should go to the Pukamuqu hill which is 5 kilometers from Cusco.

8. Qenqo Forest: Bosque de Qenqo

You've probably seen the Instagram photos and TikTok videos where several tourists pose in a forest full of tall trees. This is the Qenqo forest, where eucalyptus trees are the protagonists. The scenery you will see is magical and is only 15 minutes from the historic center of Cusco, on the hill of Socorro Hill. It is a perfect place to disconnect from the noise and fast pace of any city.

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