Chacapi Hot Springs: Enjoy its medicinal waters and get rid of all your stress.

 Say goodbye to worries by visiting these medicinal hot springs in Arequipa.

Start 2023 by traveling! Nothing better than renewing your energy through nature. These Arequipa waters are perfect to relax mind and body.

How to get to Arequipa?

The city of Arequipa is perfect to get away from the hustle and bustle of Lima and return home recharged. To get there from the city of Arequipa, you must go to Yanque, the distance is 4 h 57 min (249.9 km). When you arrive at the district's main square, the hot springs are only 2 kilometers away. The spring is located on the other side of the river and has several pools.

What to do?

The water of the Chacapi Thermal Baths has warm temperatures ranging between 30 and 35 degrees, which provide mineral properties such as sulfur, magnesium, chloride and sulfate, recommended for people who wish to alleviate respiratory, rheumatic and dermatological diseases. 

The site is open from 6 am to 6 pm. To enter the thermal baths of Chacapi you will have to pay from 3 to 15 soles, depending on the pool you choose.


Protect your skin from the sun by using sunscreen.

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